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We are delighted that you have decided to purchase a Riverbend Estate Home.  In a few simple steps you will be on your way to owning a home in one of the most beautiful, modern, and most sought-after communities in Saint Lucia.

Simply contact us to speak with a representative and we will assist you in reserving your home easily over the phone…or you can reserve your home online by filling in the Reservation Form below.


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Fill in the form below, a representative will be in touch shortly!

By filling in and submitting this form, you will receive a link in your email inbox that will direct you back to this site to complete your home reservation.

  Thank you for choosing Riverbend Estates!

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Do not hesitate to call us at anytime for assistance – our customer service team is here to help walk you through every step of your purchase and to ensure that your home buying opportunity is as smooth, easy, and most of all, as enjoyable as possible.

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