Riverbend Estates Building Design Features
Rivervend Estate Homes will be designed with a number of features for you to enjoy the beauty and durability of your home and investment for years to come.
Concrete Structure – Homes will be built using hurricane resistant concrete and steel construction to ensure the homes’ longevity when facing a range of weather systems.

Windows & Frames
Windows will be fashioned to be crack and salt resistant to prevent erosion and to remain clear and durable.

Water Reticulation
Extensive gutter and duct systems will be built into the community to divert and drain water away from the homes and the development during rainy seasons.
Solar water heating panel
Eco-conservation – Each Riverbend Estate home will be fitted with a solar water heating panel to provide reliable and consistent hot water.

Small Footprint
Solar powered technology to maintain well-lit and safe grounds for residents’ repose while minimizing management costs both now and in the future.

My Home, My Way
By The Sea Guarantee
Riverbend Estates promises a guarantee of comfort, quality, exclusivity, and enjoyment on an attractive budget! Ranging from upgraded features, safety and security considerations, eco-conscious design, as well as additional neighborhood comforts and amenities, Riverbend Estates offers not just gorgeous homes, but a lifestyle you will not want to miss out on.